Our amazing coral

Stag horn Coral
Acropora muricate
One of the dominating Acropora corals found along the Ningaloo coast, which creates large impressive colonies for fish to thrive in

Scrolling Monti
Montipora spp.
A beautiful coral that grows in phenomenal scrolling cups to create huge coral gardens. They are found in abundance around coral bay and bundegi back reef

Tabling ACropra
Acropora clathrata
Another Acropora coral that grows in a beautiful table like manner, creating big sheet like colonies that dominate the upper parts of the reef drops

Hammer Coral
Euphyullia spp.
A large polyp stoney coral that grows in lower flow parts of there reef, favouring low light and slight currents

Lobophylia spp.
Another large polyp stony coral that prefers the deeper water ends of the reef. These corals can grow into massive ball shaped colonies that consists of hundreds of large stony branches

Acropora Elseyi
Acropora elseyi
another high light demanding acropora coral that requires high currents to keep up with its feeding requirements.